At some point

November 06, 2019

At some point you get tired of living like a zombie

At some point you want to stop filling your brain with mundane crap
At some point you want to taste your food when you're eating

At some point you want to give more time to the profound
Over the trivial

At some point you want to stop distracting yourself from life
From the present
Whether or not it's painful
Or god forbid, boring
Because being with it means
You are alive
And that you know that

At some point you want to stop resisting
Everything that comes your way
Even if it sucks, even if you don't like it
Because it's just too hard to keep pushing

At some point you want to learn how to live in complete love
Make friends with the world
Because when you leave this place, you leave blameless
Otherwise you're coming back
To wrap up unfinished business

At some point you want to just be real with people man
Go past the how-you-going-good-thanks roleplay
At some point you want to talk about how life is actually quite sad

At some point you want to put it all down
Because it's just too heavy otherwise

At some point it has to be enough

At some point you want to go beyond what the six senses can give you
Look deep into this mind that you think you know
Because at the end of life, when the body shuts down --
What can you depend on for security but your awareness?

At some point you ask yourself why you're here
Why you put up with this neverending drone
This Groundhog Day, really

You take a step back and look
Everyday is the same, so where do you find meaning?
Are you satisfied just going on like this?
Where do you find the fulfillment that is so promised in movies?
Good food -- does it really taste that good?
Good looks -- how long does that last?
True love -- and what is that?

Where is it?

Always here and now.

The meaning is in the knowing.
Because if you don't know,
You're as good as dead,
You're a zombie

Maybe life is about answering those questions
Why were you born
Why are you here
Why do we suffer
And what does it all mean

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